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THE  creators

We are  at heart inquiry-based teachers who believe that children deserve  meaningful experiences and have a right to encounter the arts as a way of thinking and learning, not as an activity but as an everyday ongoing experience. 
Kelly Goodsir, founder & creator of The Creative Collection

Kelly Goodsir

Founder & Creator

Since I can remember teaching  has captured my heart and mind.  I graduated in New Zealand with  my teaching degree in 1997 and  have been captivated by the early  childhood landscape since. I find  great joy in my work with children,  their capabilities, curiosities and  strength is a continuous revelation  in my own learning. My interest  in the arts is strongly connected  to wellbeing and mental health  and through the various roles in  my career I seek to integrate these  perspectives in my practice. 

Kirsty Liljegren

Founder & Creator

I always knew that my chosen  profession would involve working  with children. I have held a  fascination from my earliest  memories of how children engaged  with the world. I believe that  children gift us so much if we  listen; it can infuse who we are as  teachers as we continually evolve  with our artistry. I am grateful to  the educational project from Reggio  Emilia that changed my professional  trajectory, amplifying my identity as  a researcher alongside children and  how they learn. 

Kirsty Liljegren, founder & creator of The Creative Collection
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